"Identity seems to be one of the most difficult words in the language" ..who are you, seriously?
Identity is a complex process between the inner and outer perspectives, the individual interaction with others, and the interaction between social, cultural and biological factors. Too many people live a life that is not theirs to live. They are so busy pleasing others that they lose control of their own lives. You have one life - right now - you have to live it and not let the opinions of others distract you from your path.
Ever since we were little we are placed in systems and put in booths, take the grading system as a good example, who are they to decide who you are! In today's society, we have to build our own identity and life in different arenas, which can be uncomfortable for many as the fear of not fitting in arises. This creates roles for the children and we as humans are cast into, a role that we live up too because of other peoples expectations of how they want us to be or should be. It is only when you de-identify yourself with all the identities and roles that you have been assigned that you actually embark on the journey home, the journey inward.
Too little focus is placed on the unique human that we are, our inherent and innate qualities and creative aspect. That is why we travel out of ourselves, for one day be able to return, home to ourselves.
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is INSIDE us all..?
This is me